With Me, or Nebuchadnezzar?

A few readers communicated to me the Mishpacha magazine has published an “End Times” article having to do with the Pals declaration of state strategy. Hopefully, I’ll get a copy from a neighbor and read what they have to say.

For those of you who have missed previous posts on the subject, type “declaration” into the searchbox – this search will pull articles which present some of my thoughts and opinions on the subject.

Recently, my thought on the impending “Split” is that one clear purpose of this event is to force Jews of all persuasions to chose a side.  Events of the promised magnitude will push everybody off the fence; even staying on the fence will be tantamount to staking a position.

Is a person with HaShem, or with Nebuchadnezzer and his gang?

3 Responses to With Me, or Nebuchadnezzar?

  1. Thomas Braun says:

    Insightful: “Recently, my thought on the impending “Split” is that one clear purpose of this event is to force Jews of all persuasions to chose a side.” In the face of an illegal, absurd pal state wedged between Israel and Jordan, the true Muslim Palestinian state, Jews which do not reject that proposition can only be useful fools in the best of cases. A Pal state in Judea and Samaria would be an unending security risk at least.

  2. neshama says:

    While not liking the whole ‘split’ scenario, in the event that it does occur chas v’sholem, I think observant Jews in Yerushalayim need to know where the so-called ‘borders’ will actually be. Does anyone have a source for such a map? NYT had an article Sunday about a ‘pro-Israel group’ that presented a map for this new state: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/world/middleeast/23boundary.html

    But it does not delineate Jerusalem clearly or specifically. Can anyone find a better such map?

  3. Neshama says:

    Interesting, there was a headline in the jpost to the effect of choosing sides, ‘Democrats vs. Non-democrats: ideological battle in this country is no longer between hawk and dove, and iy no longer has to do with peace’ … Liked and Kadima are next!

    Maybe a disintegration of the erev rav?

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